Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

FCB Employees delivering supplies to local school.

Community First!

At First Community Bank of the Heartland, we believe in Giving Back!

We have a proud tradition of giving back to the communities we serve. We believe in helping those in need and promoting a better way of life for our customers, team members, and local communities.

Volunteer Hours


volunteer hours
logged by FCB employees®
over the past year

Dollars Donated


donated to organizations
in our communities
over the past year

Food Donations


non-perishable food
items collected & donated
to local food banks
over the past year

Community banks are vital to growth and prosperity in communities across the United States – an important link in the economic network that fuels progress in the neighborhoods where we live and work. As a community bank, FCB takes great pride in every facet of the communities we serve – from homebuyers, small businesses, local agriculture, and to the area’s overall economy.

Photo of Wickliffe team gathering items for local Blessing Box.

Our Wickliffe team used the funds from their blue jean fundraiser to stock the Blessing Box near the branch.

We’re your neighbors and proud to partner with you to keep our communities a wonderful place to live, learn, work, worship, and play.